ACE COMBAT 7 Won't Be As Long As 5

Looks like ACE COMBAT 7 will not be a super long game.  When asked about the length of the game in a recent interview with WCCFtech, series producer Kazutoki Kono had this to say.

“As we’re developing Ace Combat 7 on the next generation console for the first time, we’re really trying to balance the allocation of resources versus playtime because we’re developing it from the ground up. We really took it into consideration how many hours the fan or consumer might be expecting to find on a brand new console, brand new launch. Right now, we’ve landed volume-wise somewhere in between four and five (hours), which I think is a great volume. I think there’s going to be a lot of playability and replayability between, of course, the campaign mode, the multiplayer elements that will be added on, as well as the VR experience.”

This news is slightly disappointing to me since my last playthrough of ACE COMBAT 5 a month ago took me 8 hours to complete.  However, the fact that the game is being completely made from the ground up makes it no surprise.  If the story is well done and keeps us coming back for more, I don’t think I could ask for more when it comes to an Ace Combat game.  What are your thoughts on game length and replayability?  Drop a comment below, and for more on Ace Combat 7, you can read my E3 impressions of the game here!

Source: WCCFtech