Smoke Black Replacement PS1 Shell Crowdfunding Campaign Extended!

Do you have an old PS1 lying around that looks like it has seen better days? yellowing plastic or damaged shells is a fairly common sight on 27-year-old hardware after all. Breathing new life into such a system with a new shell can be a fun project on a Saturday afternoon and Muramasa offers some of the best around for a number of different systems! Recently, Muramasa has been running a crowdfunding campaign for a new Smoke Black PS1 shell as seen in the above picture.

Muramasa has announced on Twitter that the crowdfunding campaign for the Smoke Black PS1 replacement shells has been extended to November 10th. Work has already begun on manufacturing the shells but as with all projects like this the larger the order quantity the smoother production goes, especially with costs. Once the campaign closes, shells are expected to ship by the end of November. If you are interested in backing the project make sure to do so in the next 9 days! Backing the Smoke Black PS1 shell costs $95.

Having seen a number of Muramasa's shells in person I am confident in saying that you will definitely get your money's worth out of any shell you pick up!